Eva Jablonka on Epigenetics and Resonance

Professor Eva Jablonka is Emeritus Professor at the Cohen Institute for the History & Philosophy of Science and Ideas at Tel Aviv University and a world leading expert on epigenetic inheritance and evolution and the evolutionary transition to phenomenal consciousness. She has published extensively including:  Eva Jablonka and Marion J. Lamb (1995) Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution – The Lamarckian Dimension; Eva Jablonka and Marion J. Lamb (2005) Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic Epigenetic, Behavioural and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life (illustrated by Anna Zeligowski): Illaria Negri and Eva Jablonka (2016) Epigenetics as a Deep Intimate Dialogue between Host and Symbionts; and Simona Ginsberg, Eva Jablonka, (2022) Picturing the Mind: Consciousness through the Lens of Evolution (illustrated by Anna Zeligowski). In this podcast we explore some of the energetic circulations at play in her research on evolution, epigenetics and interspecies ‘cross talk.’